Ying Zhu, PhD

Associate Professor

Faculty of Management
Office: EME 4147
Phone: 250.807.9836
Email: ying.zhu@ubc.ca

Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary

Dr. Zhu’s primary research interests include digital marketing, branding, consumer behavior, business analytics, and social networks. She has two streams of research: 1) investigating the impact of technology on consumers and the antecedents and consequences of consumer use of technology (e.g., AI, Metaverse) and 2) examining the effectiveness of different marketing strategies (e.g., digital marketing, business networks) and the importance of branding (e.g., brand extension).

Courses & Teaching

Marketing Strategy
Service Marketing
Consumer Behavior
Introduction to Business


Dr. Ying Zhu is an Associate Professor (with tenure) in the Faculty of Management at UBC’s Okanagan campus. She obtained her Ph.D. in Marketing from the Mays Business School at Texas A&M University.

Dr. Zhu’s research has been published in American Psychologist, European Journal of Marketing, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Internet Research, and Journal of Strategic Marketing, among others. From 2017 to 2024, her research yielded 19 peer-reviewed publications, 12 of which are listed as A* or A on the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal Quality List.

Dr. Zhu’s research has also led to 27 peer-reviewed conference proceedings and presentations at high-quality conferences such as the American Marketing Association (AMA), Association for Consumer Research Conference (ACR), Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP), etc. Dr. Zhu has built a research pipeline around digital marketing and mobile marketing supported by the previous SSHRC Insight Development Grant ($28,466; 2014-2016) and the current SSHRC Insight Grant ($94,884; 2018-2023).

Dr. Zhu’s teaching interests include digital marketing, consumer behavior, marketing strategy, service marketing, and introduction to business. The effectiveness of her teaching is evidenced by the four teaching awards she received from the two universities she has taught at. At UBC, Dr. Zhu received a Golden Apple Teaching Excellence Award in 2019 and a Teaching Honour Roll Award in 2016 (top 10% of all instructors) based on students’ evaluations. When she was a doctoral student at her Alma Mater, Texas A&M University, she received the Texas A&M System Student Recognition Award for Teaching Excellence and the Dean’s Award for Outstanding Teaching. Having lived, studied, and worked in China, Canada, and the United States, Dr. Zhu is adept at incorporating her business acumen, international perspective, and research into her classroom curriculum.

Beyond research and teaching, Dr. Zhu enjoys advising and working with undergraduate, master‘s, and Ph.D. students. Witnessing their growth and development in the business and academic field is very rewarding. She believes mentoring students is essential for the marketing field to grow and thrive. Dr. Zhu has also served on many committees at the university and faculty levels, including UBCO Senate Committee.


Ph.D., Marketing, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University, USA
MSc, General Management, Faculty of Management, University of Lethbridge, Canada
MA, Computer Science, Minzu University, China
B.Eng, Marketing/Logistics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Selected Publications & Presentations

(**= current or previous graduate student; *= current or previous undergraduate student)

Cockerton, T., Zhu, Ying, and Dhami, M. (2024) “On Conducting Ethically-Sound Psychological Science in the Metaverse.” American Psychologist (A* journal on ABDC List; Impact Factor: 16.358).https://psycnet.apa.org/fulltext/2024-44313-008.pdf

Dhami, M., and Zhu, Ying (2024). “Possibilities for Decision Science in the Metaverse.” Decision (A journal on ABDC List; Impact Factor: 1.5) https://doi.org/10.1037/dec0000235

Zhu, Ying, Raneem Zaitoun, and Annamma Joy (2024), “7 Application of Blockchain Technology, Nfts, and Cryptocurrency in the Art and Luxury Industries,” Sustainability in Art, Fashion and Wine: Critical Perspectives, 175.

Dominguez Aldama, D., Grassauer, F., Zhu, Ying, Ardestani-Jaafari, A., & Pelletier, N. (2023). Allocation methods in life cycle assessments (LCAs) of agri-food co-products and food waste valorization systems: Systematic review and recommendations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 421, 138488 (A journal on ABDC List; Impact Factor: 11.1). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.138488

Zhu, Ying. (2023). “The Role of Touch, Touchscreens, and Haptic Technology in Interactive Marketing: Evolution from Physical Touch to Digital Touch”. In C. L. Wang (Ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Interactive Marketing (pp. 867-891). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-14961-0_37

Zhu, Ying, and Wang, V. Wang, Y., and Hao, W. (2023) “The Effects of Vividness, Information, and Aesthetic Designs on the Appeal of Pay-Per-Click Ads.” Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing (Impact Factor:10.176) https://doi.org/10.1108/JRIM-07-2022-0207 (ahead of print)

Zhu, Ying (2023). “Digitalization of Luxury Brands in China.” In A. Joy (Ed.), New Directions in Art, Fashion, and Wine: Sustainability, Digitalization, and Artification (1st ed.), Lexington Books. https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781666904093

Joy Annamma, Zhu, Ying, Peña, C.**, and Brouard, M. (2022). “Digital Future of Luxury Brands: Metaverse, Digital Fashion, and Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs),” Strategic Change313), 337– 343. https://doi.org/10.1002/jsc.2502

Jia, Qiong#, Zhu, Ying#, Xu, R., Zhang, Y., and Zhao, Y. (2022). “Making the Hospital Smart: Using a Deep Long Short-Term Memory Model to Predict Hospital Performance.” Industrial Management & Data Systems, 122(10), 2151-2174. (A journal on ABDC List; impact factor: 4.224; # the first two authors have equal contributions and are equal first authors). https://doi.org/10.1108/IMDS-12-2021-0769

Zhu, Ying, Wang, V., Wang, Y. and Wei, J. (2021) “How to Craft Humorous Advertisements across Diverse Cultures? Multi-country Insights from Brazilian, Chinese, and American Consumers”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 46(3), 716-730 (A journal on ABDC List; Impact Factor: 3.864) https://doi.org/10.1111/ijcs.12720 

Zhu, Ying, Alice Zhang*, Jiaxun He, and Y. J. Wang  (2021) “The Impact of Brand Transposition Strategies and Firm Type on Consumer Ratings of Brand: An Analytical Study of Cosmetic Brands,” Journal of Global Marketing, 34 (1), 56-72. (B journal on ABDC List; Impact Factor: 1.20)

Zhu, Ying and Mazaheri, Ebrahim (2020) “Influence of Social Network Participation, Regional Density, and Customer Interaction on the Adoption of Sustainability Initiatives,” Journal of Strategic Marketing, 29(6), 528-545 (A journal on ABDC List) https://doi.org/10.1080/0965254X.2020.1777185

Zhu, Ying, Wang, V., Wang, Y. J., and Nastos, J., (2020) “Business-to-Business Referral as Digital Collaboration Strategy: Insights from an Industry-Wise Digital Business Network,” European Journal of Marketing, 54(6), 1181-1203. (A* journal on ABDC List; Impact Factor: 4.647) https://doi.org/10.1108/EJM-01-2019-0011

Zhu, Ying, Wang, V., Leach, E., Cruthirds, K., and Wang, Y. (2019), “The Impact of Intragroup Relationship Conflict on Intention to Re-Enroll: Implications for Virtual Learning” Internet Research, 29, 1370-1385. (A journal on ABDC List; Impact Factor: 6.773)

Guo, Yue, Zhu, Ying, Barnes, S. J., Bao, Y., Li, X., and Le-Nguyen, K.(2018). “Understanding cross‐product purchase intention in an IT brand extension context.” Psychology & Marketing 35(6), 392-411. (A journal on ABDC List; Impact Factor: 2.939)

Zhu, Ying, and Meyer, J. (2017) “Getting in Touch with Your Thinking Style: How Touchscreens Influence Purchase” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Service, 38, 51-58. (A journal on ABDC List; Impact Factor: 7.135) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2017.05.006
Media Report: Global News Urge to splurge online? Why you should put the touchscreen down https://globalnews.ca/news/3674541/urge-to-splurge-online-why-you-should-put-the-touchscreen-down/

Zhu, Ying, and Chen, H. (2017). “A Tale of Two Brands: The Joint Effect of Manufacturer and Retailer Brands on Consumers’ Product Evaluation” Journal of Brand Management. 24(3), 284-306. (A journal on ABDC List; Impact Factor: 3.5)

Weisstein, F. L., Song, L., Andersen, P., and Zhu, Y. (2017). “Examining impacts of negative reviews and purchase goals on consumer purchase decision”. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 39, 201-207. (A journal on ABDC List; Impact Factor: 7.135) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2017.08.015

Wang, Y. J., LaPlaca, P., Zhu, Ying, Hao, A. W., Guo, C., and Bao, Y. (2017). “Streamlining interfunctional coordination in industrial SMEs: Insights from market-oriented managers”. Journal of General Management, 42(3), 31-40. (B journal on ABDC List; Impact Factor: 0.53)

Selected Refereed Conference Proceedings and Presentations

Zhu, Ying, and Wang, V. Wang, Y., and Hao, W. (2022) “The Effective Design of Pay-Per-Click Ads: Examining the Design from Information and Aesthetic Perspectives,” Presented at the American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Educators’ Conference  (virtually).

Zhu, Ying, Liu, J.J.**, and Wang, J.J.** (2022) “The Intuitive Mind of Smartphone Users: How Smartphone Use Reshape Thinking Styles,” Presented at the Society for Judgment and Decision Making Annual Conference (virtually).

Zhu, Ying, Han, Muye**, Li, Yang**, (2021) The Asymmetric Impacts of Product Performance and Consumer Experiences on eWOM, Presented at the American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Conference (virtually)

Zhu, Ying, Ma, Jingjing, Liu, J.J.*, Wang, J.J.**, (2021) “Beware! Smartphone Overuse Might Change Your Thinking Styles”, Presented at the American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Conference (virtually)

Debra Basil, Janelle Marietta-Vasquez** and Zhu Ying (2020) “Touch Screen Technology and Charitable Donations: The Mediational Effects of Psychological Distance and Empathy”, Society for Consumer Psychology Annual Conference, Huntington Beach, CA, U.S., March 2020

Zhu, Ying and Jingjing Ma, and Jingjing Wang** (2019) “A Meta-Analysis of the Antecedents and Consequences of Smartphone Addiction” Association for Consumer Research Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S., Oct 2019

Chung, Sorim, Zhu, Ying and Peck, Joann (2018) “Horizontal or Vertical? How Browsing Directions Affect Online Shoppers”, Society for Consumer Psychology Conference Proceedings, pp 225-227

Hildebrand, Christian, and Zhu, Ying (2018) “The Psychophysiology of Touch-Sensitive Interfaces: Somatosensory Encoding of Intensity, Pleasantness, and Technology-Induced Affect-Regulation”, The 47th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, on May 31, 2018, Glasgow, UK.

Zhu, Ying, and Jeff Meyer (2016) “Getting in Touch with Your Thinking Style: How Touchscreens Influence Purchase”, Association for Consumer Research Conference, Presented on Oct. 28, 2016, Berlin, Germany.

Zhu, Ying, and Jeff Meyer (2016) “How Involved Are Smartphone Shoppers?”, American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference, Presented on Aug. 6, 2016, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.

Zhu, Ying, Alice Zhang* and Jiaxun He (2016) “Does Your Brand Name Indicate Who You Are? -Brand Translation Strategies for Different Firms”, American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference, Presented on August 7, 2016, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.

Zhu, Ying (2016) “Physical Boundaries of a Virtual Network and Its Impact on Sales”, American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference, Presented on Feb 28, 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.

Zhu, Ying, Alice Zhang* and Jiaxun He (2016) “Brand Naming Strategies in a Global Market”, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Annual Conference, Presented on June 6, 2016, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Zhu, Ying, Alice Zhang**, and Jiaxun He (2016), “Does Your Brand Name Indicate Who You Are? – Brand Translation Strategies for Different Firms,” American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Educators’ Conference Proceedings, B42-B43.

Zhu, Ying and Jeff Meyer (2016), “How Involved Are Smartphone Shoppers?” American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Educators’ Conference Proceedings, C55-C56.

Zhu, Ying and Ebrahim Mazaheri (2016), “The Influence of Social Networks on a Company’s Adoption of Sustainability Initiatives,” American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Educators’ Conference Proceedings, L15-L16.

Zhu, Ying, Jim Nastos** and Yaroslav Senyuta*(2015), “Does the Virtual Community Match the Natural Community: A Study of Networks among Canadian Wineries” Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Annual Conference, Presented on June 14, 2015 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Zhu, Ying and Jeff Meyer (2015) “Out of Touch with Computers: The Effect of Touchscreen Technology on Purchase Intentions” Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Annual Conference, Presented on June 14, 2015 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Zhu, Ying and Jeff Meyer (2015), “Let Your Fingers Do the Shopping: How Touchscreens Are Changing Purchase Behavior,” and American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Educators’ Conference Proceedings, C18-C19.

Zhu, Ying and Allan Chen (2015) “How do Decisions on “Where to buy” and “What to buy” Influence Consumer’s Purchase?” Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Annual Conference, Presented on June 15,  Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Selected Grants & Awards

For research:

  • SSHRC Insight Grant $94,884 (2018-2022) Co-Investigator: Dr. Debra Basil; Collaborator: Dr. Russ Belk
  • SSHRC Insight Development Grant $28,466 (2014-2016) Collaborator: Dr. Russ Belk (Ranked #2 in business, management, economics and related fields)
  • Supervisor of International Undergraduate Student Research Award $10,500, 2020
  • Supervisor of Management Undergraduate Student Research Award $9,500, 2020
  • Supervisor of International Undergraduate Student Research Award $15,996, 2017
  • UBC Hampton Grant $5,000, 2017
  • Honourable Mention Award at Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, 2015
  • UBC Work Study Grant (Obtained Competitively): $6,000, 2014
  • UBC Work Study Grant (Obtained Competitively): $3,000, 2013
  • UBC Healthy Workplace Initiatives Program (HWIP) : $3,500, 2013
  • AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium Fellow, Texas Christian University, 2010

For teaching: 

  • Golden Apple Teaching Excellence Award, 2019
  • Teaching Honour Roll at UBC’s Okanagan Campus, 2016
  • Texas A&M System Student Recognition Award for Teaching Excellence, Texas A&M University, 2011
  • Dean’s Award for Outstanding Teaching by a Doctoral Student, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University, 2010-2011

Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees

American Marketing Association
Association for Consumer Research
Society for Consumer Psychology
Society for Judgment and Decision Making


Dr. Zhu’s research on the impact of smartphone on consumer purchase has received extensive media coverage and has appeared on over 50 media outlets across North America, Europe, and India, including but not limited to Global News and CBC, major Canadian news media, Time magazine, the Daily Mail UK, and Science Daily etc. (Detailed list of the media outlets is available upon request).

Time Magazine: “Augmented Reality is the Future of Online Shopping” (Jan 28, 2022)

BNN Bloomberg: ‘Huge validation’: Why Crypto.com is putting its name on the L.A. Lakers’ arena (Nov 26, 2021) https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/huge-validation-why-crypto-com-is-putting-its-name-on-the-l-a-lakers-arena-1.1687471

Global News: Urge to splurge online? Why you should put the touchscreen down https://globalnews.ca/news/3674541/urge-to-splurge-online-why-you-should-put-the-touchscreen-down/

Daily Mail UK – Trying to resist the urge to splurge? Put your phone away! You’re more likely to buy guilty pleasures online when using a touchscreen device: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4796382/People-likely-indulgewhen-using-touchscreen.html

Science Daily – Trying to resist the urge to splurge? Ditch the smartphone https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/08/170816100240.htm

CBC Life: The psychology of sale shopping: How to spot and avoid the tricks used to get you spending: https://www.cbc.ca/life/work-money/the-psychology-of-sale-shopping-how-to-spot-and-avoid-the-tricks-used-to-get-you-spending-1.5418136

The Global and Mail: Bought to last: Designers thinking of the long game with easy to reuse and recycle products

UBC News: Trying To Resist The Urge To Splurge? Ditch Your Smartphone


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